Never cross paths with these 5 unlucky items

Superstition is the submerged part of the iceberg that hides fear. Here's a list of unlucky items that will never cross your path!
On Friday the 13th, when we remember the good old saying, when we chain good luck or unfortunate events...

We're all a little superstitious!

Who has never worn a talisman for good luck to protect against the evil eye?

For some it can turn into an illness, for others it's just to add a little spice to their everyday life.

Whether it's getting lucky at a competition, not crossing paths with a black cat, or not getting pregnant on Friday the 13th, our little superstitions make all the difference in our lives!

It's normal: when we can't explain this or that event, we rely on symbols, things and objects that may have brought us misfortune at one point or another.

True or not, each of us has little explanation to justify the everyday events and big changes in our lives.

After all, without further evidence, it is always easier and more reassuring to rely on luck or bad luck...

What if, after all, it was all about these bad luck charms or signs that you encounter in your daily life without realizing it?

Upside-down bread, pouring salt over the shoulder, starting the day on the left foot, a black cat...
Superstitious? Your surprises are not over yet
All these more or less common beliefs are so many explanations to justify our everyday miseries.

Also… The list is much longer and we are forgetting many items and signs that bring bad luck!

In the following lines, find a series of 10 objects or symbols that you should not have at home, or even more so, that you should not come into contact with every day, so as not to attract the evil eye.

You can't say that you didn't know...

Broken mirror: the most famous superstition?

As well as the tradition of putting upside-down bread on the table, there is a well-known saying when you accidentally break a mirror: "Broken mirror - 7 years of misfortune." »

This expression is often found in literature, as well as in theater or cinema. And it is not only in Europe.

Who hasn't thought about this when breaking a mirror, even a very small pocket mirror?

Who has never been afraid to face the terrible events in the hours or days after a broken mirror?

However, if we go back a little in our history, it becomes clear that among all the superstitions, the symbolism of the mirror brings bad luck... even if it is in good condition!

In Victorian times, in the heart of the kingdom of England, it was believed that mirrors could steal your soul. It is difficult, if not impossible, to find mirrors in the hallways of grand Victorian castles… now you know why! Find out about the symbols of misfortune in horror in this source.

Opal, a terrible stone...

Among the many minerals that occupy the earth's crust, opal is one of them that raises many questions.

The history surrounding this stone is full of superstitions and legends.

So, is opal an unlucky stone?

To answer this question, we are going to tell you a historical anecdote related to the myth of Princess Hermione.

According to historians, the origin of this myth was Walter Scott. In 1829, he wrote a book called "Anna of Geirstein".

Through this story, he highlights the wonderful Princess Hermione. Her hair is adorned with glittering opals when she is happy. Conversely, the stone turns red when Lady Hermione is filled with sadness or anger.

Moliere's greenness and death: even scarier than the unlucky number 6

Year after year, we make green fashionable, regardless of the field.

Back in 2017, the world of decorations was ablaze with green from all sides. Green was needed everywhere: tapestries, furniture, sofas, pillows, etc. If only these people knew...

In France, the color green has a very strong symbolic meaning since the day Moliere wore it on stage, the evening of his last performance, before dying after several long hours of agony.

But not only Great Britain is afraid of this color!

In the USA or France, and in the whole Anglo-Saxon world, among all the existing superstitions, green is a color that brings bad luck.

An additional explanation to justify the historical conflict between England and Ireland, whose flag has a green vertical stripe? There is nothing less certain!

Outdated schedule? A notoriously bad item
Is your old calendar a few years out of date, but you still keep it because the local postman with cute kittens sold it to you?

What if it was even worse than the black cat symbol?

Quickly throw this item of misfortune in the trash!

Yes, it seems not much, but... This good old calendar, which you will not throw in the trash can be the cause of your future misfortunes. Black cats and the flip side of superstitions are on this site.

According to this old superstition, an outdated calendar, whether it's the wrong year or even the wrong day for the most superstitious, this symbol is synonymous with guaranteed bad luck!

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